Nursing care skills evaluation test simulated question【介護技能評価試験模擬問題】





Having a national qualification such as a care worker and a social worker, and having experience of creating several successful candidates as a volunteer, I created a simulated problem about the nursing skill evaluation test to be conducted in the future.

For all candidates in each country, please refer to it.

(I think that there is a mistake in English translation, but please use on your note)

花村秋洋プロフィール  Hanamura Akihiro Profile


While serving as a social welfare corporation for many years, it has a track record of advising a care worker national qualification student and a social worker national qualification student as volunteers. After retiring, he started as an administrative scrivener, and he bridging Japan with foreign countries as a director in charge of care at the Japan Overseas Human Resources Agency.


The answers are displayed after the questions and options, so please scroll slowly.

問題1 こころとからだのしくみ


Choose one that is appropriate for a long-term bedridden elderly person.

1 筋力が低下する Muscle strength decline

2 食欲が増す Have an increased appetite

3 会話の機会が増える More opportunities for conversation

4 歩行機会が多くなる Have more chances to walk


1 筋力が低下する Muscle strength decline


In addition to the decrease in muscle strength when you go to bed for a long time, it is also important to be aware that bedsore occur.

問題2 コミュニケーション技術


Choose an appropriate response to build a relationship of trust with the elderly.

1 感情的なこだわりを持つ Have a hard emotional feelings

2 最初の印象で判断する Judge by the first impression

3 受容と共感を意識する Be aware of acceptance and empathy

4 疑って接する Have a suspect and respond


3 受容と共感を意識する Be aware of acceptance and empathy


When dealing with elderly people, it is necessary to keep in mind “acceptance”, “empathy”, “individualization”, “respect for self-determination”, “do not blame”, etc.

問題3 コミュニケーション技術


Choose one of the appropriate communication techniques.

1 相手を否定してもよい Deny the other party

2 話を途中でさえぎることも必要である It is also necessary to interrupt the story

3 傾聴的な態度を心がける Be aware of listening attitude

4 話を聞く態度は関係ない The attitude to listen to the story does not matter


3 傾聴的な態度を心がける Be aware of listening attitude


“Listening closely” is always correct. Let’s remember. In addition, always correct word are, “to accept,” “to empathize,” “to respect self-determination,” “to not deny”

問題4 介護の基本


Choose one that is appropriate to independence support.

1 専門家からの説明は行わない Do not give explanations from experts

2 全てのことを手助けする Help with everything

3 その人らしさは関係ない The self personality does not matter

4 その人が持っている力を活用する Use the power that the person has


4 その人が持っている力を活用する Use the power that the person has


“Utilization of residual ability” is important for independence support. Also, remember that “~not” is often the wrong choice as an answering technique.

問題5 介護の基本


Choose an appropriate body restraint for the elderly.

1 家族への説明はしなくても良い It is not necessary to explain to the family

2 緊急でやむを得ない場合にだけ可能である It is possible only when it is urgent and unavoidable

3 一人の判断で行うことができる It can be done by one person’s judgment

4 薬による行動抑制は含まれない  Does not include behavioral control by drugs


2 緊急でやむを得ない場合にだけ可能である It is possible only when it is urgent and unavoidable


Physical restraints are prohibited in principle. The conditions are 1) impending, 2) no other means, 3) temporary.

問題6 介護の基本


Choose one of the appropriate explanations for abuse of by the care staff.

1 身体的虐待、心理的虐待、ネグレクトが多い There is a lot of physical abuse, psychological abuse and neglect

2 虐待される高齢者は女性より男性が多い Older people who are abused have more men than women

3 職員の関係性は問題にならない The relationship between staff does not matter

4 誰かが見ていれば絶対に虐待が起こることはない If someone is looking at it, no abuse of  will happen definitely


1 身体的虐待、心理的虐待、ネグレクトが多い There is a lot of physical abuse, psychological abuse and neglect


Abuse cases from staff members at facilities for the elderly are widely reported in Japan, so we take care at any facility. Also, if the word “absolutely” is included in the choice, that choice will always be x.

問題7 介護の基本


Choose an appropriate one as an explanation of where the elderly are live.

1 自分らしい空間は必要でない I do not need my own space

2 住み慣れた場所で生活することは安心感につながる Living in a familiar place leads to a sense of security

3 生活する環境が悪くても病気が悪化することはない Illness does not get worse even if the living environment is bad

4 施設では大人数収容できる部屋を作るべきである The facility should create a room that can accommodate a large number of people


2 住み慣れた場所で生活することは安心感につながる Living in a familiar place leads to a sense of security


Now, in Japan, it is said that it is more important to live in the area where you live as much as possible than living in a facility for a long time.

問題8 こころとからだのしくみ


Choose one appropriate for the elderly’s response to depression.

1 たくさん励ますことが必要である It is necessary to encourage a lot

2 自殺する危険性はない There is no risk of committing suicide

3 身体機能の低下につながる可能性はない It do not lead to a decline in physical function

4 受容的な態度をとるよう心がける Try to take a receptive attitude


4 受容的な態度をとるよう心がける Try to take a receptive attitude


Encouraging people with depression is prohibited. In Japan, there are many depression patients from children to adults and the elderly.

問題9 生活支援技術


Choose one appropriate way of caring for the elderly with hemiplegia.

1 衣服は健側から患側の順に着せるようにする Wear clothes in order from the healthy side to the affected side

2 部屋のカーテンは開いたままで行う Please go with the curtains in the room open

3 ベッドの上で寝たまま着替える人には前開きの服が適している The front opening wear is suitable for those who change clothes while lying on the bed

4 着替えは最初から最後まで介助者が行うようにする Change of clothes should be done by the assistant from the beginning to the end


3 ベッドの上で寝たまま着替える人には前開きの服が適している The front opening wear is suitable for those who change clothes while lying on the bed


Wear clothes from the side with paralysis and take off from the side without paralysis. Be careful about privacy when changing clothes.

問題10 生活支援技術


Choose one appropriate method of wheelchair assistance for the elderly with hemiplegia.

1 車椅子のフットレストは下げたまま乗り移らせる Let’s transfer while the footrest of the wheelchair is lowered

2 タイヤに手が巻き込まれる可能性は少ない There is little possibility that the hand is involved in the tire

3 車椅子は高齢者の麻痺側に置く Place the wheelchair on the paralyzed side of the elderly

4 ブレーキのかけ忘れが無いように必ず確認する Be sure to check that there is no forgetting to apply the brake


4 ブレーキのかけ忘れが無いように必ず確認する Be sure to check that there is no forgetting to apply the brake


As care in a wheelchair is prone to an accident, be careful. Put on the side where there is no paralysis, make sure to raise the footrest before transferring, do not forget to apply the brakes, and be careful not to get your hands caught in the tires while driving


As above, I created 10 mock questions. Other points to be noted in the nursing care evaluation test are summarized below.

片麻痺を理解しておく Understand the paralysis



There is a high possibility that the hemiplegia problem will be presented.

Make sure to wear the clothes from the affected side and take them off from the healthy side, and put the wheelchair on the healthy side.

「~ない」や「絶対」は×になることが多い ”~Not” and “Absolute” are often x


If a negative word “~not” appears in the choices, it is often the wrong choices. If you don’t understand the problem at all, treat the word “~not” as an incorrect choices. Also, “Absolute”word is will always be x.

自立支援を理解する Understand independence support


There is a high possibility that you will be asked about independence support, so be sure to understand. “Do what you can do” and “Decide what you can decide” are important.


Good luck everyone, please pass the Nursing care skills evaluation test and Nursing care Japanese language evaluation test and come to Japan!



